MAD 2007
MAD 2007! This is my wish!
For me and for you!
A Marvellous, Amazing and Delicious 2007!!!
I wish this year to be the best year ever, full of Love and Joy!
And I don't mean the corny side of "love and joy"... I really mean "LOVE" and "JOY" :-))))
Happiness just happens to happen when we "use" one of those two "tools". So... GIVE IT TO ME, Baby!!!
Bem vindo de volta. Força aí na verga meu irmão!
Este ano só não será espectacular se não fizermos uma forcinha para que assim seja.
Party on.
Ano novo, master de regresso!
'Brigadinhos, Mr. Brightside!
É bom voltar, é muito bom!
É isso aí, vamos "dar-le" de força, canudo!
"Zi Unstoppábles", mon cheR!
Yo, Myself!
Novo ano, novo eu! :)
Agradeço-te muito a força que me foste dando para que isso acontecesse! Valeu, babe!
Let's keep the good spirits :D
Nice to have you back, Master.
How is? Now is everything in ainglish?
Well, look, what is needed is little health and cash for spendings.
Hello, hello, Mr. ZJ!
Well, I shall continue to practice my "ainglish", indeed! :)
"little health and cash for spendings" is very good! LOL!!!
But now, my new moto is: Great Health, Lots of Joy and Lots of Money, big time!
Hmmm... I'll post on that!
and an itsy bitsy chocolat mint on top, perhaps? :DDD
Hmm... I wonder what happened... I had already answered to you, my friend ZJ...
Anyway, "could you please bring me a bucket and a cleaning lady?"
Nose. Nowse'ya answerin'. k? (don't go on answerin' now, or else this crazy spiral never ends :p)
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