quarta-feira, janeiro 17, 2007

Genie vs Wishmaster

Of course you remember the story about the Genie of the Lamp...

Well, I think it's in "What the *bleep* do we know?" that they explain a theory about the Genie always being seen as a huge figure up in the sky, saying: "Your wish is my command...".

The Genie is a metaphore for the Universe, who is always willing to fullfill all our wishes and desires, just by the power of Thought and Intention.

This is how the Law of Attraction seems to work. We just have to ask the Universe for what we want and 'he' WILL provide! He's a real nice 'Dude'! :-))

The 3 wish limitation is also a metaphore referring to our human nature, as we think everything is limited or that it could be more probable to come true if we ask only for a few things...

Example: When we wish to have the correct numbers for Euromilhões or the Lottery, most of people say: "ok, it could be the 2nd prize... that would be enough".

Of course the 2nd prize is a whole lot of money anyway, but the 'problem' is that sometimes behind that thought is the WRONG idea (in my opinion) that somehow it would be more probable to happen, if people are asking a little bit less than the whole thing...

We shouldn't be "poor" asking for our wishes... it doesn't make sense...

So, what I would like you to do is to use this post to comment your greatest wishes, without letting your human mind interfering... which means that you shouldn't 'think' if things are more or less probable to happen or if you are worthy or not of having those wishes come true.

Very important: don't think of what other people might think or even comment. You will easily see that that would impose huge limitations to your "wishing habilities" - has it happens to happen on our day-to-day lives ;)

Just ask for the most amazing thing you would like to happen in your life!!! And then, sit back and be prepared to receive it! We can be our own Wishmaster! Like Nike says: Just do it!!!

And like those other guys say: Smile like you mean it! :D


At 5:49 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi, I hope, you're ok. Haven't heard from you for ages. Egypt is great :-)Take care.

At 10:40 da tarde, Blogger MasterPeace Dude said...

Hi, Alex!

Nice to hear from you!

I'm getting back to the "synchronicity highway" ;-))

I can only imagine how great Egypt must be! I have to go there someday, for sure!

Have fun!!!

Buziaki ;)

At 11:01 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi Babe! :))

"ThE UniVERsE iS mY LimiT!..." ;D

Bluemoon, from Paradise (BR)...

Ps- Nice to hear from you..., see you in (on?) msn... ;)

At 5:08 da tarde, Blogger MasterPeace Dude said...

Hi Bluemoon!

Nice to hear from you too!

Are you (even) coming back?!? :-)))

Well, I haven't been online on msn for a while... I haven't been working in front of a computer and I've been trying to cut on using my PC at home ;)

E-mail me, if you want to share your latest soul experiences! I'm curious about the new things you must be learning/practising over there...

Enjoy, babe!


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